- 60. Facebook
- 59. Authors on the Web
- 58. Being Green: Earth Day
- 57. Tastespotting
- 56. Smilebox (an application with possibilities)
- 55. Slideshare: Presentations online
- 54. Bookjetty
- 53. LitLovers
- 52. Clipmarks
- 51. Libraries and the social web: Discussion
- 50. I'm Cooked
- 49. Soundsnap and Musigy
- 48. Free and legal music for download?
- 47. For the Musically Inclined: JamStudio
- 46. Updates
- 45. Go With the Flow: Flowcharts & Mindmaps
- 44. Nag Yourself/Jott.com
- 43. Midi files
- 42. Google Groups/Usenet
- 41. Live Mocha
- 40. Retroland
- 39. Animoto
- 38. Comic Relief (Shelf Check)
- 37: Music to your ears ( Pandora & LastFM)
- 36: Dressing up your photos
- 35: Mini or micro blogging (Twitter, Jiaku & others)
- 34: USing the web for better health (FitDay & Nutridiary)
- 33: Express yourself through online art
- 32: Online file storage with OmniDrive
- 31: Get organized with Plaxo
- 30: I'm in UR Libary, Readin UR b00ks (LOLCats)
- 29: Scrapblog: I'm in love
- 28: Well we're big rock singers ... (magazine cover fun)
- 27: Photobucket
- 26: Little bits of the Internet, on your desktop (Yourminis)
- 25: Newsletters in a pop! (Letterpop)
- 24: Got file conversion issues? (Zamzar)
* The master list is updated semi-monthly. For the newest discovery suggestions be sure to check the most recent entries.